Very Bad Trip – Stephen

Very Bad Trip – Stephen


Very Bad Trip – Stephen

Ever had one of those trips where everything seems to be going wrong?

When even as you get into the airport, you just know that it’s not going to be your day?

If you think about for a moment, it’s probably quite a common thing.

I mean, we are herded through corridors, security and passport checks, set off our luggage, trusting that we will ever see it again, without a care in the world.

Then we join a shuffling queue, before being ushered up a shaky metal staircase or along something that resembles a metal caterpillar, and willing enter a metal tube that propels us at many hundreds of kilometers an hour through the sky at alarming heights.

Sometimes we are closer to snoring strangers than we would care to be, as well as microbes and bacteria that are sneezed and coughed into the confined airspace that would challenge even the mightiest antibiotics.

We then suck sweets to reduce the pressure in our ears, drink something and maybe eat something that we aren’t always sure of, before bumping along a specially-made tarmac road and then making our way along endless corridors, up and down steps to a carousel, where our luggage (if we are lucky) has amazingly arrived before us.

And we generally love all of this – all in the name of travel or holidays…

Listen to Susan talking to Stephen, whom she caught up with at the airport as he was preparing to take another flight.

Stephen talks about one particularly bad trip that he went on to a Greek island.

Before listening:

Think about the possible problems that could occur on a flight.

On this very bad trip – Stephen mentions some of the problems that he encountered.

After listening:

What was the main cause of the ordeals that they went though?

If you have had a very bad trip, why not tell others about it in the comments or send us a podcast and we’ll share it with our listeners.


10 Reasons your Photos are Bad.

10 Reasons your Photos are Bad.

Do you know the expression “a photo is worth a thousand words ? Well, with amateur photography this is not always the case…..

Are you sometimes disappointed with your photos ? When we visit great places we want to capture the moment on our phone cameras or with a “traditional” camera….. and then we say “well, the photo doesn’t do the place justice” and we end up deleting the photo !!!!!!

In this podcast Chris gives some tips to Sue (who is definitely in the “disappointed/delete” category) about how to make her snaps come alive !

Chris knows what he is talking about and sometimes it sounds a bit too technical to Sue, but see if you can hear what he says about:

Putting the settings on manual

Eye level photos

Social media feedback

Framing the photo

Shutter speed



Light sightings

White balance

Deep of field 

Grid for straight photos

The Rule of thirds

ND filters 


What does Chris say about the 365 challenge he took part in ?


This picture may help you with some of the vocabulary.



Episode 6 – The Review

Episode 6 – The Review

Episode 6 – The Review

The role of a customer, acting as a food reviewer is to accurately convey the taste, texture, smell, and presentation of a restaurant’s food.

You should not only comment on the food but also on the atmosphere, staff knowledge and attentiveness, the speed of service, the general impression of the restaurant, eaterie or cafe.

A great food review puts the reader at your table with you, allowing them to decide whether or not they want to visit the restaurant when they’re done reading.

In fact you are either recommending the place as a place that you or your friends would like to go with, or warning people of places to avoid, so all-in-all, you are providing a service to fellow diners.

There is no point being over positive or over-negative about a place to eat, the best reviews deal in reality – what the place is really like, how good (or bad) the food is, along with the service and the state of cleanliness – it all goes in to making or spoiling a night out with friends, clients or family.

There are many sites dedicated to customer reviews, such as Yelp!, Google+ / Google+ local, TripAdvisor and Foursquare, to name just a handful.

Sue and Chris didn’t have a particularly good meal at the restaurant – hear what they have to say, in Episode 6 – The Review, as they write a review for a restaurant review website.

Yes it was
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No, it wasn't
0 Vote
I need to go for myself
1 Vote
10 surprising things about Cape Town

10 surprising things about Cape Town

10 surprising things about Cape Town

Do you sometimes go on holiday and are surprised by what you find there? Away from the usual tourist attractions everyday life can be so different from your home town. 

What do you know about Cape Town ?

Politics ? Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years first in Robben Island and then in other prisons around Cape Town. Since the end of Apartheid Cape Town has become a vibrant melting pot.

Geography ? The landscape is dramatic thanks to the imposing sight of Table Mountain.

Wine ? The land around Cape Town is home to many vineyards producing first class wine.

Shopping ? The shops in the Waterfront centre are some of the best in the world.

The sea ? The dramatic coast line is home to penguins, sharks and whales.

But in this podcast Sue talks about what surprised her about her trip to Cape Town in South Africa.  These photos may help with some of the vocabulary. 

     This is a photo of the Hen Party which surprised Sue. Can you imagine what a Hen Party is and why it was surprising ? Why was the guide cross with these girls? 

  This is the weather down at the Cape of Good Hope. How does Sue describe it?

  What surprised Sue about the statues in Cape Town ?

  This is a poster about the water issue. How many liters of water are people supposed to use a day in order to cut down on water consumption? What exactly is Day Zero ?

  This is a car guard,  what were Sue’s impressions about crime in Cape Town ?




Are you addicted to your mobile phone?

Are you addicted to your mobile phone?

According to the latest report by Ofcom, the UK communications industry regulator, which released figures this week, the average amount spent online has more than doubled from 9.9 hours a week 10 years ago to 20.5 hours.

Meanwhile, a separate report suggests that the average Brit checks their phone 50 times in one day.

You may be addicted, or you may know others around you who suffer from this addiction, called, “NoMoPhobia” or no mobile phone phobia.

Nomophobia is a proposed name for the phobia of being out of cellular phone contact.

It is, however, arguable that the word “phobia” is misused and that in the majority of cases it is another form of anxiety disorder.

Although nomophobia does not appear in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), it has been proposed as a “specific phobia”, based on definitions given in the DSM-IV.

According to Bianchi and Philips (2005) psychological factors are involved in the overuse of a mobile phone.

These could include low self-esteem, when individuals looking for reassurance use the mobile phone in inappropriate ways, and extroverted personality, when naturally social individuals use the mobile phone to excess. It is also highly possible that nomophobic symptoms may be caused by other underlying and preexisting mental disorders, with likely candidates including social phobia or social anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and panic disorder.

The term, an abbreviation for “no-mobile-phone phobia”, was coined during a 2008 study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov, a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffered by mobile phone users.

The study found that nearly 53% of mobile phone users in Britain tend to be anxious when they “lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage”.

The study found that about 58% of men and 47% of women suffer from the phobia, and an additional 9% feel stressed when their mobile phones are off.

The study sampled 2,163 people. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed cited keeping in touch with friends or family as the main reason that they got anxious when they could not use their mobile phones.

The study compared stress levels induced by the average case of nomophobia to be on-par with those of “wedding day jitters” and trips to the dentist.

Another study found that out of 547 male, undergraduate students in Health Services 23% of the students were classified as nomophobic while an additional 64% were at risk of developing nomophobia. Of these students, ~77% checked their mobile phones 35 or more times a day.

More than one in two nomophobes never switch off their mobile phones.

The study and subsequent coverage of the phobia resulted in two editorial columns authored by individuals who minimized their mobile phone use or chose not to own one at all, treating the condition with light undertones of or outright disbelief and amusement.

If you feel that you or others around you are suffering fromNoMoPhobia, why not test this out with our quiz, and if you are not 100% sure, then try out the app, ‘Moment’,  below to see just how much you really ‘need’ your mobile phone.

Moment is an iOS app that automatically tracks how much you use your iPhone and iPad each day. If you’re using your phone too much, you can set daily limits on yourself and be notified when you go over. You can even force yourself off your device when you’re over your limit.

Moment Family: Manage your family’s screen time from your own phone and set up time for your entire family to be screen-free using family dinner time.


Just to check, take this questionnaire to see just how much you are addicted to your smart device.

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