So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 2 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
The second one, Calculate your Carbon Footprint, is a conversation around the World Wildlife Quiz which asks lots of How questions; how many, how much, how far, how big etc.
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to focus on adverbs of frequency to talk about everyday actions and activities, and also learn everyday vocabulary.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts Youtube Channel !
Click here to access the Youtube Channel
When giving a series of instructions to make or produce something there are some common, useful and simple language features, used for clarity and simplicity.
In this podcast we use the example of explaining a process for how to make something following a set of clear steps to demonstrate this.
Common features when describing a process or to how to do something, is the use of the imperative and linking words.
The imperative form is made by using the bare infinitive of the verb (the infinitive without ‘to’).
Here are some examples from the podcast.
The imperatives are in bold type.
“Take a capsule ….”
“Check that the tank is full… “
“Press the button…”
“Open the front of the machine … “
“Hold the button … “
Explaining a process
When giving a series of instructions it’s more natural in speech and writing to join the different instructions together with linking words.
There are many different linking words that can be used to describe a series of instructions that make up parts of a process.
Some very simple, but commonly used ones are and, then, after that, before that, in the meantime, now etc.
Here are some examples from the podcast.
… go to the X machine …
… in the meantime what you can do …
… now you need to take a capsule …
Can you figure out what they are trying to make?
If you would like to see the Animated Podcast version click here.
So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 3 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
The third one, Spelling Names in English, is a great way to learn the alphabet in a useful and imaginative way. The alphabet is always tricky in a new language and this podcast with pictures can help clear the fog.
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to focus on letters of the alphabet, looking at tricky vowels and learning at natural pace.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts Youtube Channel !
Click here to access the Youtube Channel
So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 10 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
In the tenth one, Mystery Shopping Trip, you can hear a 4 conversations between British speakers who are shopping. You have to guess what they are buying…. there are some clues but it’s still pretty tricky. You’ll learn so much everyday vocabulary !
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to learn everyday vocabulary, nouns, adjectives and verbs.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts YouTube Channel !
Click here to listen to the podcast on Youtube
So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 9 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
In the ninth one, The Past Tense; PLUS, you can hear a conversation between a two British speakers talking about a past event…. the London 2012 Olympic Games, where Laura was a volunteer and worked in the Olympic Village. The challenge is now to focus on how British speakers speak naturally and the way they talk about the past.
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to learn/consolidate irregular verbs in the Past Tense.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts YouTube Channel !
Click here to access the YouTube Channel
So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 8 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
In the eighth one, The Beginner’s Guide to the Past Tense, you can hear a conversation between a new learner and Chris, who helps the learner talk all about his holiday driving through the National Parks of Colorado. You will be guided through the past tense and prompted to fill in the blanks and anticipate the correct form of the verb to use.
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to get familiar with the Past Tense.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts YouTube Channel !
Click here to access the podcast on YouTube