Mysteries of Everyday Life: Why do we blow on hot food?

Mysteries of Everyday Life: Why do we blow on hot food?

13, February, 2025

Episode 239: Why do we blow on hot food and drinks?

In this series The Case of Everyday Mysteries: Why do we do That?, we answer the burning question of why we tend to blow on hot drinks and food. Just what are we trying to achieve? Listen in as you’ll hear the science and psychology beind this habit, and learn great vocabulary along the way.

Writing effective emails

Welcome back to English-Podcasts. In this episode we look at the science behind the simple act of blowing on hot food and drinks. You’ll also pick up a ton of great vocabulary.


Is blowing on hot food and drink actually effective?

How many degress do we actually cool the beverage down by ?

Are we trying to cheat physics?

Are we just simply trying to take control of a situation when just waiting patiently might be just as production?

Do all cultures don this?

Well, these are just some of the questions that we tackle in this podcast. Do you have any of your own thoughts on this matter ? 


Recap & Takeaways

As we get quite philosphical listen out for these words which will help you undertand our conversation:

Age-old ritual

A magical gust of air

Molten lava beverage

To be scolded (by a hot drink)

To be overzealous


A polite puff of air

To cheat physics

“Displacement activity”.

Bad manners

A good stiring spoon





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How to manage phone calls in English

How to manage phone calls in English

13, February, 2025

Episode 238: How to manage  phone calls in English

In this podcast, you can pick up tips on the best way to take control phone calls in English by reducing stress and slowing down the conversation to suit you.

Writing effective emails
Welcome back to English-Podcasts. In this episode we cover hot tips to help you master phone calls in English. We’ll help you take control of the call. Listen in.


Many learners prefer sending an e-mail to making a phone call for one reason…. it’s easier as it avoids the stress of actually speaking and listening ! However, sometimes a quick phone can can solve a problem in minutes rather than having to wait for the “to and fro” of e-mails.


Recap & Takeaways


How do you feel?

Are you concerned more about speaking or understanding ?

HERE ARE OUR TOP TIPS (to be completed later)





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Language Learning: How To Stay Motivated

Language Learning: How To Stay Motivated

13, February, 2025

Episode 219: Language Learning: how to stay motivated

In this podcast, we talk about staying motivated when language learning. Listen in to our 10 tips.

How to stay motivated learning English

Welcome back to English-Podcasts. In this episode we discuss the ups and downs of language learning. Sometimes we need to be reminded of our “why” to get us back on track. This podcast will provide some useful tips to keep going.


When we start learning something new, it can be a novel experience at the start and we want to put a lot of effort into our learning, but as time goes on, we can start to flag and at times we just cannot get the motivation to continue learning.

Lack of motivation is a common problem faced by many language learners, so if you’re struggling to get motivated to learn, you aren’t alone! For those of us who have taken up the task of independently learning a language, low motivation can be even more difficult without peers around you for encouragement.

To kick-start your motivation you may need to reveiw these points:

Why do I need this language ? Is it for work, for travel, for intectual stimulation, to learn a song, to watch a film ?

Recap & Takeaways


You  should always have clear goals in sight, review and change your goals regularly.

Have some form of testing in place to find out whether they have successfully achieved your aim. This could be a traditional test on-line or just a conversation in a language club….. but do expect progress to be in small baby steps.

Language is essentially about communication, so join a club (on-line) or a class, or a group. Having a support group is fun too.

Listen up to our 10 tips and let us know if you find them useful…. we would love to hear from you! 




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Tips for Writing E-mails

Tips for Writing E-mails

13, February, 2025

Episode 237: Tips for Writing E-mails

In this podcast, you can pick up tips on the best way to start and finish your mails without causing any cultural misunderstandings!

Writing effective emails
Welcome back to English-Podcasts. In this episode we discuss the cultural minefield of modern communication. How are e-mails different to letters and phone calls? No need to worry anymore, we have the answers.


Email has become the top method of communication in the workforce. Reasons for emails vary from business correspondences to personal messages.

They can be as short as one word and as long as a novella, but that does not mean that these are all appropriate or even effective.

It’s important  to learn how to effectively use email at work.

Worldwide email use continues to grow at a healthy pace. In 2015, the number of worldwide email users will be nearly 2.6 billion. By the end of 2023, the number of worldwide email users will increase to over 4 billion.

E-mail communication has taken over other forms of communication; how often do you write a letter ? It’s even taking over phone calls. All the more reason to have the correct forms of introduction and closing….. listen up to our tips.

Recap & Takeaways


Who do you write to?

How does your relationship change over time with your correspondants? Are you friendly, but not friends? Are you in a position of authority or not?

What kind of information are you asking for in your e-mails? Should the tone be friendly or firm?


How long are your e-mails? Would a phone call have been quicker?

As language learners, an e-mail may seem an easier option than picking up the phone. Take a listen to our upcoming podcast on phone calls to great some useful tips.




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Does being bilingual make you more intelligent?

Does being bilingual make you more intelligent?

13, February, 2025

Episode 193: Does being bilingual make you more intelligent?

This podcast we take a lighthearted look at speaking more than one language; what are the advantages (pretty obvious…), but what are the drawbacks?

Does being bilingual make you more intelligent?

by English Podcasts formally known as the EFL PodBlog | Podcasts in English

Welcome back to English-Podcasts. Do you dream of speaking English? Keeping working at it and you will !! But what about those lucky people who have grown up speaking 2 languages? Listen in as Laura tell Sue about her real life experience.


Most people in the world speak more than one language, suggesting the human brain evolved to work in multiple tongues.

Around the world, more than half of people – estimates vary from 60 to 75 per cent – speak at least two languages. Many countries have more than one official national language – South Africa has 11. People are increasingly expected to speak, read and write at least one of a handful of “super” languages, such as English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish or Arabic, as well. So to be monolingual, as many native English speakers are, is to be in the minority, and perhaps to be missing out.

Multilingualism has been shown to have many social, psychological and lifestyle advantages. Moreover, researchers are finding a swathe of health benefits from speaking more than one language, including faster stroke recovery and delayed onset of dementia.

Could it be that the human brain evolved to be multilingual – that those who speak only one language are not exploiting their full potential?


Recap & Takeaways

This podcast is acessible for many langiage learners; it’s not complicated and there are pictures and written cues to help with comprehension.

Listen out for these words:






brain surgeon





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UK Election night Lingo Bingo

UK Election night Lingo Bingo

What is Election Lingo Bingo ?

Lingo means Language and Bingo…. well, we’re sure your know what that means !

On the 4th July 2024 the UK will hold a general election. It’s always an exciting night and we will certainly be watching all night. But whatever your political  views it’s always interesting to watch and you’ll probably hear the usual bunch of expressions that typically come out of the mouths of TV journalists and politicians. 

So, first listen to the podcast to understand what these expression mean, and then on election night have fun with this Lingo Bingo card and tick off the expressions when you hear them. 

 UK Election Lingo Bingo: 20 expressions you are likely to hear on election night (and the day after).

Tick off the expression when you hear it.

The Tories will be in the electoral wilderness for a generation. On the doorstep nobody was talking about Partygate. Our voters stayed at home. It’s a political earthquake.
The Blue Wall has crumbled It’s going to be a long night. Nigel Farage celebrates his win by downing a pint. The Swingometer shows a swing of…
It’s a Portillo moment. The Lib Dems have come in 2nd in the seat. It’s too close to call. Our exit poll shows a landslide victory.
It’s an uphill battle for the Tories The SNP are wiped out in Scotland. Reform has undercut the Tory vote. It’s time for change.
The Monster Raving Looney Party has lost its deposit. It’s a clear mandate from the people. It’s a race to be the first to declare. All eyes are on the PM’s seat.

English Podcasts

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