Mysteries of Everyday Life: Why do we blow on hot food?
Episode 239: Why do we blow on hot food and drinks?
In this series The Case of Everyday Mysteries: Why do we do That?, we answer the burning question of why we tend to blow on hot drinks and food. Just what are we trying to achieve? Listen in as you’ll hear the science and psychology beind this habit, and learn great vocabulary along the way.

Everyday mysteries: why do we blow on hot food and drinks ?
Welcome back to English-Podcasts. In this episode we look at the science behind the simple act of blowing on hot food and drinks. You’ll also pick up a ton of great vocabulary.
Is blowing on hot food and drink actually effective?
How many degress do we actually cool the beverage down by ?
Are we trying to cheat physics?
Are we just simply trying to take control of a situation when just waiting patiently might be just as production?
Do all cultures don this?
Well, these are just some of the questions that we tackle in this podcast. Do you have any of your own thoughts on this matter ?