Experience off the Beaten Track in India

Experience off the Beaten Track in India

14, February, 2025

Episode 198: Experiences off the Beaten Track in India

What does it mean to go “off the beaten track”? Well, Chris does exactly that when he goes away from the usual tourist attractions. Listen in to what he has to say.

Off the beaten track in India

Welcome back to English-Podcasts In this episode we get to hear about going off the beaten track in India to avoid the crowds and see amazing sites.


 What do you like to do on holiday ? Do you stay on the well trodden tourist path or do you go off the beaten path? Chris describes what he did, it wasn’t always comfortable but it was exciting.

A few fun facts about India:

38% of the population identify as vegetarian

75% of the global tiger population are in India

Cows have a sacred status

23 languages are spoken in the country

Bollywood is HUGE ! India is the largest producer of films in the world

Recap & Takeaways

This second podcast explains a lot of the vocabulary used in the main podcast.

You’ll hear explanations for some of these words…. and many more !

Virtually – Bumpy – Dusk – to set yourself up – a long lens – to manage to – not to bother – to stomp


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Ozzie slang

Ozzie slang

Oz lingo PDFAs part of the Australian series, this podcast takes you into the world of real Ozzie slang…. in other words, Australian informal language.

The Ozzies are well known for shortening words, it’s part of their charm !

Even leading politicans have their names shortened; Scott Morison, the Prime Minister from 2018 to 2022 was known as Sco Mo, and the current PM, Anthony Albanese is known as Albo!

Listen as Laura tests Sue on her knowledge (or rather lack of knowledge !) about Ozzie slang.

See if you can find the Ozzie slang word for these words. For an extra challenge they are not in the order mentioned in the podcast :).

A petrol service station – A barbecue  – breakfast – a swimming costume – sunglasses –

a sandwich – the middle of nowhere- the afternoon – a biscuit – an ambulance – the plural of you

– a beer – definitely – a chicken – a department store called Woolworth – a dangerous jellyfish

a place to buy alcoholic drinks – to be devastated – a well known white wine – a sausage.

Download this Resource Sheet to help you remember the vocabulary: Ozzie slang PDF.

As a language learner, listen to how Sue asks questions when asking for clarification.



Friday the 13th Superstition Quiz

Friday the 13th Superstition Quiz

Friday the 13th Superstition Quiz

Are you superstitious ? Do you avoid walking under ladders ? Do you often cross your fingers ? Do you have any special rituals which bring you good luck ? Or do you think it’s just plain silly to let yourself be ruled by such irrational behavior?

Many people think that Friday the 13th is unlucky and indeed this fear even has a name: Triskaidekaphobia.

People who suffer from this phobia radically adapt their behavior, they don’t fly, don’t drive, don’t make any important decisions on that day.

But many other people believe that Friday the 13th is lucky. They buy lottery tickets, cross their fingers and believe in their good fortune.

There is no real scientific data to say one way or the other…. it just depends on how you look at life.

In this quiz we look at many other superstitions from all other the world. You may find them incredible, silly, irrational, contradictory or true ….. but whichever opinion you have, you’ll certainly learn some great vocabulary and that can only be a good thing !!

Friday the 13th Superstition Quiz

This quiz is full of great everyday vocabulary. We can't promise that you'll be lucky enough to come into money, but if you are superstitious, or not, you will certainly learn a lot and increase your vocabulary bank !

Cross your fingers and click on the start button.....Good Luck !!

7 Riddles that will trick your brain

7 Riddles that will trick your brain

7 Riddles that will trick your brain

7 Riddles that will trick your brain

7 Riddles that will trick your brain – riddles and puzzles are a great way of doing thinking exercises.

Here is one to get you warmed up and in the mode of thinking laterally.

Happy New Year in a Parallel Universe

Happy New Year in a Parallel Universe

It’s New Year’s eve 2020 or is it 2021?

Chris meets Sue at a New Year’s party, but once again they are in a parallel universe – this happens so often to these two …

Sue is at 31 December 2019 and Chris is at 31 December 2020, so Chris has lived through 2020 and it is all to come for Sue.

Sue is all excited about the coming year with lots of plans and projects that she can’t wait to start, but Chris, who has lived through 2020, thinks that it may turn out a little different to what she wants.

Listen out for the following expressions :

To fit something in

To be on the cards

To cut down on something

To be likely

To be unlikely

To look forward to something.

What about?

Fancy dress party.

A fist bump.

We interview Donald Trump for a job as a podcaster

We interview Donald Trump for a job as a podcaster

Donald Trump came to our office in Toulouse for an interview for the job as a podcaster – we think he would make a great podcaster and as he has time on his hands at the moment he came in and did an interview with us.

This isn’t the first time that Donald has joined us and it was a great pleasure to get some answers to those burning questions that most journalists just don’t ask him.

Did you know he was a keen quizzer?

That is just one on the revelations that he shares with the English podcasts team.

English Podcasts

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