Making Resolutions for the New Year
As part of the series of Everyday Mysteries, we delve into the question of why socks get lost in the washing machine. Does that happen to you? You put a pair of socks into the machine, but only one comes out ! Is there a scientific reason for this… tune in to find out.
Language Learning: How To Stay Motivated
In this podcast we talk about staying focused and motivated. We all start out fresh and full of energy but sometimes staying on target can be tricky, especially when you have a busy working and/or family life to deal with.
Check out this podcast to find 10 golden rules for staying motivated learning English.
What are the advantages of using music to work on grammar
What are the advantages of using music to work on grammar? 1. Enhanced Memory Retention: Research suggests that music can aid in memory retention by creating strong neural connections. When grammar rules are set to music, learners may find it easier to recall and...
Language learning strategies and tips for busy lifestyles
Episode 210: Language learning strategies and tips for busy lifestyles Welcome to another episode of English Podcasts the podcast where we unravel the secrets to mastering English. Your hosts Chris and Sue today give some language...
Ten tips to stop translating when you speak English
Episode 209: Ten tips to stop translating when you speak EnglishWelcome to another episode of English Podcasts the podcast where we unravel the secrets to mastering English. I'm your host Chris, and today, we've got a gem of a topic:...
What can I listen to to learn English
20 October, 2023 Episode 101: What can I listen to to learn English? Welcome, English enthusiasts, language learners, and word wizards from around the globe! You're tuning in to the one and only, your go-to source for leveling up your English...
Using a SWOT to enhance personal learning
Using a SWOT to enhance personal learning One of the hardest things to do alone is to effectively carry out a skills self-evaluation before setting up clear objectives towards a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). Knowing where one is at a given time is not an easy task due...
What kind of language learner are you?
What kind of language learner are you? What kind of language learner are you? We learn a new language because we want to, or need to communicate with other people either at work or in social situations and some just learn another language for fun. Everybody learns...
How to really Learn vocabulary part 1
In this series we are going to be looking at ways that we can enhance and improve our learning and perhaps crushing some of the myths about learning techniques that we learnt in school. Every day we meet people with different techniques for learning vocabulary, but...
How to stay motivated learning English
Staying focused, motivated and driven can be tricky, especially when you have a busy working and/or family life to deal with. Check out this podcast to find 10 golden rules for staying motivated learning English. When we start learning something new, it can be a novel...
How to learn vocabulary…. learning tips.
How do you learn new vocabulary? Do you make lists, or mind maps, or translate into your own language? In this video you'll pick up some great tips and have a good laugh at the same time.
How to use Tag questions in English
Tag questions are questions added to a short sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, check understanding or confirm that an action has heppened. Tag questions are very common in natural English and they can also have distinct meaning according to the...
Asking Polite questions in English
It's so nice to be polite isn't it? When we ask direct questions, especially to people we do not know very well, we can come across as being too abrupt or even as rude, something we would like to avoid at all costs. In this podcast we will explain how to easily change...
Know your food
How to activate your memory for language learning
Studies have shown that using a pen or pencil activates more areas of your brain than a keyboard does.
10 English proverbs you need to know
12 home-based activities to improve your writing
12 home-based activities to improve your writing As adults, many of us are learning English on our own, especially in these times of Covid 19. How can we continue to improve our language skills in a situation like this? Take a look at this step by step 12 point guide....
Pronunciation tips: 20 mispronounced words
English pronunciation can be tricky ! Stress and innovation can prove to be a minefield for new language learners as some words are not pronounced as you would expect. There are silent letters as in the K in the word Knowledge and the P in the word Cupboard. Some...
Pronunciation tips: British town names
One of the tricky aspects of learning English is pronunciation !! Have you ever been to the UK and been completely confused as how to pronounce some town names? In this short clip you can hear 10 places that people find difficult.... have a will [video...
How can podcasts help me to learn English?
How can podcasts help me to learn English? [h5p id="9"]
Changing Education Paradigms
Changing Education Paradigms In this talk from RSA Animate, Sir Ken Robinson lays out the link between 3 troubling trends: rising drop-out rates, schools' dwindling stake in the arts, and ADHD. Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our...
New study uses mice to unlock the secrets of language learning
2 researchers believe that the brains of mice can help humans learn a new language more efficiently. Linguistics professor Melissa Baese-Berk and neurobiologist Santiago Jaramillo are teaming up on a new research project that will combine their two areas of expertise...
Do you have common sense?
[os-widget path="/allmyfaves/do-you-have-common-sense" fif="false" comments="false"]
Memory Activity False Memories
Memory Activity False Memories False Memory Activity Tell learners that you are going to read a list of words to them. They are to write down as many words as they can remember when you are finished reading and say, "Go!" The words can be in any order. Then read...
Modern communication problems
Modern communication problems I guess there is quite a lot of irony in sharing a video that damns modern communication on mediums which are being criticised for the isolation of people and modern communication problems. The thing is, we all have these excellent tools,...
Memory Activity Primacy And Recency
Memory Activity Primacy And Recency THE PRIMACY AND RECENCY EFFECTS OF ACTIVE MEMORY The text discusses the tendency for items at the beginning and end of a list to be remembered more readily than items in the middle of the list. This can be readily illustrated by the...
Are you a visual Thinker?
Are you a visual thinker? If the bulk of your thoughts come in the form images or shapes, then you might be a visual thinker. There are many types of ways people process their thought patterns such as kinesthetic, thinking through physical movements, and aural...
EFL Hacks to learn English
EFL Hacks to learn English We all need a little help from time to time, especially with shortcuts or good advice - a tip, an astuce or a hack... At English Podcasts, we were thinking about the best tips to learn English - or perhaps any language - and we decided that...
How language can be confusing
How language can be confusing Even English speakers can get into trouble with their own language and misunderstandings can happen. One tip for English learners is KISS - Keep It Short and Simple, to avoid complicating things. In this sketch from the Two Ronnies, they...
The 30 day Challenge
The 30 day Challenge A 30 day challenge doesn't have to be a life-changing experience, although it may become one and may make a significant difference to your life. Any long-term change that transpires, however, will be dependent on the way that you view the world...
Language is What Makes Humans Unique
Language is What Makes Humans Unique Language is what separates humans from animals and is one of the most important aspects of being human - it is what makes us unique. Although, anyone who has attempted to learn a foreign language will tell you - there is a gulf of...
Self concept and learning – can we teach adults anything?
Self concept and learning - can we teach adults anything? Self concept is a multi-dimensional construct that entails the perception of an individual's "self" and can be divided into a number of different characteristics, such as: I am big / small etc. Social...
Using a personal learning journal
Using a personal learning journal What is a personal learning journal? A learning journal is a collection of notes, observations, thoughts and other relevant materials built‐up over a period of time and maybe a result of a period of study, learning and/or working...
How to Mindmap
How to Mindmap Find out how to Mind Map and why it is so effective from the inventor of the process, Tony Buzan. Mindmapping techniques are used for all sorts of purposes, think of it as visual...
One Soft Skill you can start working on NOW!
One Soft Skill you can start working on NOW! One of the most effective soft skills that can be developed almost immediately is the ability to smile. And I mean this for business and for life in general, but is so often not recognised as a soft skill, but I can assure...
Learning to Listen the hardest soft skill
Learning to Listen the hardest soft skill One of the most important keys to becoming a good learner is the ability to listen (or do I mean hear?). Many consider themselves to be good listeners, although what they may consider being 'a good listener' is...
Functions in a language
Functions in a language Most of us will agree that a language is used to perform a variety of different things - these things are called functions. It is used to make statements, ask questions, express emotions, direct people, etc. It is clear that language is used to...
How do you remember things?
How do you remember things? Ready for a little memory test? Before reading any further, focus on the words at the top image for one minute, then read the article. When have finished reading this article, write down as many of the words as you can remember and...
How has learning another language changed your world?
How has learning another language changed you world? Just as regular exercise gives your body some biological benefits, mentally controlling two or more languages gives your brain cognitive benefits. This mental flexibility pays big dividends especially later in life:...
Do you speak English?
Do you speak English? A tongue-in-cheek look at language skills. The first question, Do you speak English? Is met with a response in English then in German. Research by the British Council finds that...
Developing Auditory Memory in Language Learning
Developing Auditory Memory in Language Learning Memory span refers to the longest list of items that a person can repeat back in the correct order immediately after presentation of the information. Items may include words, numbers, or letters. Recalling a list of...
Mindmapping strategy for writing
Mindmapping strategy for writing Writing strategies are not always obvious and can lead us to a lot of bad habits such as using online translators (sorry Google translate), cut and pasting old mails or documents or trying to write using a word-for-word translation...
Reading Strategies in Language Learning
Reading Strategies in Language Learning Reading doesn’t pose as many difficulties as listening or speaking, because we generally have the time to read through and digest ideas and to reread when necessary or look words up in a dictionary – even if this sometimes leads...
Setting objectives for prime time learning
Setting objectives for prime time learning The more motivated you are to learn, the higher your chances of success become. Why do you want to learn ? is a key question and maintaining your motivation level is crucial for successful long-term learning. One of the best ...
Six steps to a personal learning action plan
Six steps to a personal learning action plan Step 1 - Determine what you want to accomplish. In other words, set your goal for your personal action / learning plan. Make the goal so clear in your mind that you won’t have a problem knowing when you’ve reached it....
Listening strategies in Language Learning
Listening strategies in Language Learning This is part of a series of posts on process skills in language learning, Listening strategies in Language Learning, where we will examine some ideas and perhaps challenge some received ideas - although you may not always...
Create a not-to-do list and save yourself
Create a not-to-do list and save yourself The great thing about process time is that it lets us do just that - take a step back from the breakneck speed of life at work and concentrate more on the How and less on the What of our working lives. Process time helps us to...
Improving Listening Skills in Language Learning
Improving Listening Skills in Language Learning As you go along with your language learning try to engage yourself and connect as much as possible, with as many of your senses as possible – much like we do when reading. Reading (another receptive skill) is an...
Is English language Learning undervalued
nguage learning,EFL,English,Learning English, English as a second language, TEFL,ESOL,ESL,
Learners – Learn to Love your Mistakes
Learners - Learn to Love your Mistakes More than half of the planet speaks two or more languages, over 50% of us are bilingual or multilingual, monolingualism is starting to be seen as a culture and nothing more, and definitely not something we are destined to live...
What English sounds like to speakers of other languages
What English sounds like to speakers of other languages 'Skwerl' What English sounds like to speakers of other languages - A short film in fake English. As seen on QI. A film by Brian &...
The Effects of Background Music on Learning
The Effects of Background Music on Learning I was working this morning with a person to help them to improve the impact of their presentations - the person was French and the presentation are to be delivered in English. Just before doing the presentation I set a...
How not to Learn A Language – 10 Urban Myths
How not to Learn A Language - 10 Urban Myths In this post, How not to Learn A Language - 10 Urban Myths, we are going to look at some received ideas about language learning. There are a great deal of opinions and ideas related to language learning that are either...
YOU are a natural-born language learner!
We hear so many people, so many times state, and believe what they are saying, that "I am not good at languages". If we think about this, the person has either written or spoken this statement in a clear and intelligible way - so they CAN actually USE language, which...
Shortcuts to learning a language
Shortcuts to learning a language As you go along with your language learning try to engage yourself and connect as much as possible as many as your senses as possible – much like we do when reading. Reading is an excellent example of the way that imagination is used...
Is there a difference between Accent and Pronunciation in Language Learning?
Is there a difference between Accent and Pronunciation in Language Learning? Have you ever spoken with a foreign learner who has said that they are terrified to speak English as, in their words, "I have a bad accent." Have you ever spoken about this and it turns out...
Language as a window into human nature
Language as a window into human nature Language and meaning are a fascinating subject - as illustrated in the video below, which shows the way, in which, speakers attempt to put meaning into words - sometimes producing the desired effect and sometimes failing...
12 Effective Language Learning Tips
It’s that time of year again, the end of the holidays, time to re-invent, readjust and turn a new page, turn over a new leaf, start again with a clean slate.
Communication is hearing what isn’t heard
Peter Drucker once said that, “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”
Furthermore, one of the pre-suppositions of NLP states that ‘you cannot, not communicate – everything you say and most of what you do will communicate something, so the idea of radio silence, can have the effect of turning the sound right up.
People often, mistakingly, imagine, that by doing nothing, they can avoid personal responsibility in communication, but, I am sorry to say, this just isn’t true, non-action is not an option, as it will be interpreted in some way by the listener(s).
Miracle language learning solutions – neither miracles nor solutions
Miracle language learning solutions - there are so many theories and received ideas about what makes a good learner (especially a good language learner) that a penny for every one would make someone very rich. Miracle language learning solutions - let me just...
Learn English with Emmanuel Macron
Learn English with Emmanuel Macron Learn English with Emmanuel Macron can be seen in two ways : as a parody of Emmanuel Macron speaking English, or the way that it was intended, that is to help people get over their fear of speaking English. We hear lots of people who...
Why listen to speakers of other languages speaking English?
Why listen to speakers of other languages speaking English? Now that is a very fair question and one which many will see as being totally pointless. I mean, if I listen to an English speaker (my mother tongue) speaking French, then they will make the same mistakes as...
7 Tips to improve listening
7 Tips to improve listening Why are listening skills important, both for everyday life and for language learning? Well, if you don't listen, then you will never learn, as simple as that. Listeners, and especially good listeners are the best learners, as the Dalai Lama...
5 ways to listen better
5 ways to listen better In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this short, fascinating talk, Julian Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening -- to other people and the world...
Spelling place names in English
Spelling place names in English Spelling place names in English can be difficult, especially if the sounds of the letters are similar to the letters of the alphabet in your own language as this can lead to confusion. Spelling place names in English is not difficult,...
Tips for effective Email use
Email has become the top method of communication in the workforce. Reasons for emails vary from business correspondences to personal messages. They can be as short as one word and as long as a novella, but that does not mean that these are all appropriate or even...
Why you forget your words when speaking English
Why you forget your words when speaking English Aphasia is an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain...
Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game
Why do learners have difficulties listening in English?
Why do learners have difficulties listening in English? Why do learners have difficulties listening in English ? This is a real problem for learners of English or any foreign language and there are no real shortcuts, but there are many tips, based on common sense that...
Eleven More English Proverbs
Eleven More English Proverbs Eleven More English Proverbs to figure out from just an image. Can you work out the Eleven More English Proverbs from just one image? Proverbs are popularly defined as short expressions of popular wisdom, or as it is sometimes called...
Why we struggle learning languages
Why we struggle learning languages Why we struggle learning languages, the only barrier to learning a language is memory. The process of language learning is the process of forming memories. Nothing more, nothing less. If you understand that, and you understand how...
Can you find these ten English proverbs from the images?
Can you find these ten English proverbs from the images? Can you find these ten English proverbs from the images? They are quite common proverbs that can be used in everyday speech. In fact these are not strictly proverbs, but more proverbial phrases, or as some may...
Do you know how Learning Happens
Do you know how Learning Happens ? Do you know how Learning Happens, because many don't fully appreciate the processes that go into learning, nor the events that actually constitute learning. Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge,...
How to help every child to fulfil their potential
How to help every child to fulfil their potential How to help every child to fulfil their potential - ever wondered why kids say they’re bored at school, or why they stop trying when the work gets harder? Educationalist Carol Dweck explains how the wrong kind of...
15 key business words to improve score in an English language exam
15 key business words to improve score in an English language exam 15 key business words to improve score in an English language exam - Do you need to take the TOEIC®, BULATS® or TOEFL® exam ? Much of the vocabulary in these tests comes up time and time again, so it's...
To learn is to be free
To learn is to be free An inspiring talk about learning by Shahmeem Akhtar To learn is to be free - Shameem Akhtar posed as a boy during her early childhood in Pakistan so she could enjoy the privileges Pakistani girls are rarely afforded: to play outside and attend...
12 Language learning resolutions for any year
12 Language learning resolutions for 2018 12 Language learning resolutions for any year - It's that time of year again, the end of one year and the start of a new one - even if it isn't the 31 January - it's still a good time to adopt a new and good resolution....
Tandem learning for language learning
In Tandem Language Learning both partners can meet in person (face-to-face Tandem) or learn by e-mail, chat, Skype, phone or other media (eTandem, also called Distance Tandem), placing emphasis on cultural integration as part of the language-learning process. Learning...
Can Siri help you to learn English?
Can Siri help you to learn English? If you are learning English and have limited or no access to native speakers, can you get help from elsewhere? Could you learn English with Siri, the iPhone voice recognition application? See if you can by watching this video....
How to cheat at pronouncing some of the difficult words in English
How to cheat at pronouncing some of the difficult words in English