Learning Hacks

Just making Learning easier ...


Changing Education Paradigms

Changing Education Paradigms

Changing Education Paradigms In this talk from RSA Animate, Sir Ken Robinson lays out the link between 3 troubling trends: rising drop-out rates, schools' dwindling stake in the arts, and ADHD. Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our...

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The 30 day Challenge

The 30 day Challenge

The 30 day Challenge A 30 day challenge doesn't have to be a life-changing experience, although it may become one and may make a significant difference to your life. Any long-term change that transpires, however, will be dependent on the way that you view the world...

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Functions in a language

Functions in a language

Functions in a language Most of us will agree that a language is used to perform a variety of different things - these things are called functions. It is used to make statements, ask questions, express emotions, direct people, etc. It is clear that language is used to...

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Communication is hearing what isn’t heard

Communication is hearing what isn’t heard

Peter Drucker once said that, “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

Furthermore, one of the pre-suppositions of NLP states that ‘you cannot, not communicate – everything you say and most of what you do will communicate something, so the idea of radio silence, can have the effect of turning the sound right up.

People often, mistakingly, imagine, that by doing nothing, they can avoid personal responsibility in communication, but, I am sorry to say, this just isn’t true, non-action is not an option, as it will be interpreted in some way by the listener(s).

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5 ways to listen better

5 ways to listen better

5 ways to listen better In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this short, fascinating talk, Julian Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening -- to other people and the world...

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To learn is to be free

To learn is to be free

To learn is to be free An inspiring talk about learning by Shahmeem Akhtar To learn is to be free - Shameem Akhtar posed as a boy during her early childhood in Pakistan so she could enjoy the privileges Pakistani girls are rarely afforded: to play outside and attend...

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English Podcasts

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