13, February, 2025

Episode 198: Ahmed, my country

In this podcast, we talk to Ahmed who was born in Gaza, but now lives in France. He describes his home, before the current war, and explains how he left the country.

Usa and guns

Welcome back to English-Podcasts In this episode we get to hear first hand from Ahmed, born in Gaza but now living in France.


Gaza is very much in the news these days and so it’s a good time to listen again to a podcast we did back in 2018 with Ahmed. He talks with affection about his home, his garden and his family.

He also describes how he left Gaza, how difficult it was and many of the challenges he’s had to overcome.

This is a podcast for language learning and as such is not intended to support any political or relgious point of view. 

Recap & Takeaways

As a language learner, think about how you would describe your home town. What are the warm mememories you have of the place, and tcan you describe why you left?

Has your home town changed since you left?

This is a good exercise to practice explaining what a place was like in the past and how it is now.

We often use “used to” in this context. For example, it used to be a small village, now it’s quite a big town.

We also often say “would” to describe something we often did in the past. For example, I would visit my grandmother on my way home from school.

So…. over to you…. write a short paragraph on what you used to do in your home town.



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