So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 7 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
In the seventh one, Are you a Geek, you can hear a conversation with someone who calls herself and “Un-Geek”. This word doesn’t really exist but you can get it’s meaning ! The focus is on talking about devices and gadgets that we use everyday, with more or less success.
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to hear technology vocabulary spoken at natural speed between 2 British speakers.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts YouTube Channel !
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Don’t forget to listen to the sequel in which Chris (the Geek !) explains about all the devices he has.