So what’s an animated podcast ?
Good question !
It’s a podcast with pictures, learning tips and clues. In short, it’s just a helping hand to help you understand the conversation and the context.
This is Animated Podcast number 8 in a series of 10, in which each one has a specific focus and gets progressively more challenging.
In the eighth one, The Beginner’s Guide to the Past Tense, you can hear a conversation between a new learner and Chris, who helps the learner talk all about his holiday driving through the National Parks of Colorado. You will be guided through the past tense and prompted to fill in the blanks and anticipate the correct form of the verb to use.
Who is it designed for ?
It’s a perfect opportunity for new learners (pre-intermediate) to get familiar with the Past Tense.
It’s a great way for Intermediate learners to consolidate knowledge.
Enjoy and Welcome to the English Podcasts YouTube Channel !