The Aviation Top Gun Quiz

People who love planes are celebrating an aviation landmark this year with the 50th anniversary of the maiden flight of the supersonic plane Concorde.

 Back in March1969 Concorde took to the skies for the first time for a 29 minute flight at a speed not exceeding 480 km/h, it was able to break the sound barrier in October of the same year.

This achievement was the highlight of a long journey from the first flight recorded in 1903 by the Wright Brothers. 

Since early Greek mythology and the story of Icarus humans have always been enchanted by the idea of flight. The modern age of aviation began with the first hot air balloon designed by the Montgolfier brothers in 1783. Experiments with gliders provided the groundwork for heavier-than-air craft, and by the early-20th century, advances in engine technology and aerodynamics made controlled, powered flight possible for the first time. The modern airplane with its characteristic tail was established by 1909 and from then on the history of aircraft became tied to the development of more and more powerful engines.

So, if you think you are an Aviation Ace this quiz will test your knowledge of aviation developments and landmarks.

If you prefer to be a passenger, this quiz will test your knowledge and vocabulary of air transport.

But if you just want to have fun and learn some quirky facts, this is also the quiz for you !

When you get to the end of the quiz there is a real treat for all plane lovers.

The Aviation Top Gun Quiz

Are you an Aviation Ace ? Try this quiz to test your knowledge of all things planes, airports and luggage !
Fasten your seat belt, enjoy the ride, it's time for take off.....

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