Friday the 13th Superstition Quiz
Are you superstitious ? Do you avoid walking under ladders ? Do you often cross your fingers ? Do you have any special rituals which bring you good luck ? Or do you think it’s just plain silly to let yourself be ruled by such irrational behavior?
Many people think that Friday the 13th is unlucky and indeed this fear even has a name: Triskaidekaphobia.
People who suffer from this phobia radically adapt their behavior, they don’t fly, don’t drive, don’t make any important decisions on that day.
But many other people believe that Friday the 13th is lucky. They buy lottery tickets, cross their fingers and believe in their good fortune.
There is no real scientific data to say one way or the other…. it just depends on how you look at life.
In this quiz we look at many other superstitions from all other the world. You may find them incredible, silly, irrational, contradictory or true ….. but whichever opinion you have, you’ll certainly learn some great vocabulary and that can only be a good thing !!
Friday the 13th Superstition Quiz
This quiz is full of great everyday vocabulary. We can't promise that you'll be lucky enough to come into money, but if you are superstitious, or not, you will certainly learn a lot and increase your vocabulary bank !
Cross your fingers and click on the start button.....Good Luck !!