Is English language Learning undervalued

It would seem, at least in France (I say this as I have been in France for over 23 years), that learning English is a slightly undervalued subject in education.

The coefficient of English as a second language at school and in higher or further education is usually (according to the specialisation of study) is so low that points can be made up in other subjects to make up for any weaknesses in English language skills.

Most ‘Grandes Écoles’ and engineering schools have a ceiling grade pass for English language skills that are relatively quite low, as shown here

Many learners are later obliged to improve their language skills due to the forces within the job market, and often the ability to operate in English can be a blocking point to their career.

It is clear that there is a difference between what happens in the classroom and what happens outside, in terms of 2nd language acquisition.

This means that a lot of learners go out of their way to learn English, by way of Internet, social media, virtual and face-to-face networks, listening to podcasts and music etc. and video.

However, I wonder how much most traditional teaching methods actually prepares or encourages learners to be self-directed or autonomous.

The growth in opportunities for out-of-class learning for language learners creates challenges as well as opportunities for teachers and learners.

New roles emerge for teachers as learners become more actively involved in managing aspects of their own learning.

Is English language Learning undervalued?

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this, you can comment below :

What do you think?

Is English language learning undervalued where you are?

How are you preparing your learners for out-of-class learning?

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