What type of EFL teacher are you?
What type of EFL teacher are you?
We hear a lot about learning styles, with questionnaires and quizzes all over the Internet, although some recent studies argue that there is no such thing as a learning styles (Steven Pinker, Johnstone family professor of psychology at Harvard University; Dorothy Bishop, professor of developmental neuropsychology at the University of Oxford; and leading neuroscientist Prof Uta Frith)...
However, we hear very little about teaching styles - which is surely not a myth.
No two teachers are alike, and any teacher with classroom teaching experience will agree that their style of teaching is uniquely their own.
An effective teaching style engages learners in the learning process and helps them develop critical thinking skills.
Traditional teaching styles have evolved, prompting teachers to adjust their styles toward students’ learning needs.
Some styles are more adapted to certain subjects and less to other subjects - see where your style is.
The best way to get a really clear idea is to answer the questions as honestly as possible - not 'how I would like to be.'
Don’t worry. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers.
Answer the questions based on what you think tends to be true about yourself.
You may feel there is more than one answer that tends to be true about yourself. That is possible.
Try to choose the one that is more frequent and/or evident about you.
By choosing one answer, it does not mean that you are totally excluding the others or that the others are completely untrue.
Answers just indicate stronger tendencies about you.