14, February, 2025

Episode 220: History in the streets of Toulouse

Come with us on a journey around Toulouse. In this video we look the the street names and how they reflect the history of Toulouse. It’s a fascinating ride. 

Welcome back to English-Podcasts. In this episode we take you on a journey around Toulouse where we delve into some of the monuments and street names of this city brimming over with medieval history.


Let’s look at history from a different angle….. when we visit a city we always look at the most impressive monuments, but in this video journey we take a close look at the street names and reveal what they mean. They are a fascinating way to disover the real history of a bustling city, which built its wealth on these trades.

Take a moment to think about these questions:

Why are there 2 names plaques on most of the streets?

What are the 2 languages that you can hear and see everywhere in Toulouse?

Who are the famous people who lived in Toulouse?

What are the famous landmarks that are a “must” to see?

Recap & Takeaways


Before watching try our quiz on Toulouse, it’s like a guide book that has come to life ! You’ll learn so much about this city which Lonely Planet has designated as THE city to visit in 2025.



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