The workplace is a very demanding, quick-paced and increasingly uncertain place in which we operate on a day-to-day basis, but does it always have to be a stressful place?.
Pressure to meet deadlines, deliverables and working with difficult people, among other factors, puts modern employees under unreasonable amounts of stress.
In fact, being constantly stressed out is so universal that many people have accepted it as unpleasant, but a way of life – it has become the norm.
While a certain amount of stress is acceptable and can actually be beneficial for you—keeping you alert and focused, helping you cope well with challenges—beyond a certain acceptable limit, stress is nothing but bad for you, if it is not channelled and managed.
Not only does it affect your mental stability but also your health, relationships, productivity at work, and overall quality of life.
People are different, so we all react differently to the same set of circumstances; something that one person may find stressful, another may regard as only mildly challenging or even normal.
How you tolerate and respond to stress depends not only on the particularities of your situation but also on what type of person you are; your natural inclinations, beliefs and behaviors.
In this podcast we look at some of the ways that workplace stress impacts people and we look at :
- Stress trends in the 21st century
- What stress looks like in the workplace
- The effects of stress
- The cost of stress
- Is your workplace causing you stress?