Personal Development

London Tube or Paris Metro which is best?

London Tube or Paris Metro which is best?

In this podcast Chris and Sue compare their favourite underground systems; London and Paris. Sue loves the London underground whereas Chris is a fan of the Paris metro. Why, Why, Why ???
Listen as they attempt to prove which one is the best with the most interesting facts Google could provide ! Be ready for the challenge of numbers as they try to show off their knowledge of the underground systems and try to catch each other out with tricky questions!


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Why are you studying for an MBA?

Why are you studying for an MBA?

Why are you studying for an MBA? An MBA, or a Master of Business Administration, is a very popular choice for many today as a way of either changing career path or boosting an existing career path. An MBA is expensive, demanding and has high entry requirements, so why...

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The 30 day Challenge

The 30 day Challenge

The 30 day Challenge A 30 day challenge doesn't have to be a life-changing experience, although it may become one and may make a significant difference to your life. Any long-term change that transpires, however, will be dependent on the way that you view the world...

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When 3 meters is just too far

When 3 meters is just too far

When 3 meters is just too far Have you ever been in a room, with a group of colleagues, clients or business partners, sat around the table computer in front of you - preferably open (this provides a nice barrier that helps protect us ... I imagine)? So you chat away...

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Do we need to change the way we learn?

Do we need to change the way we learn?

Do we need to change the way we learn? There have been excellent arguments that have promoted the notions of Lifelong Learning (LLL) since the 1950s (see the work of Carl Rogers et al.), but never has the argument for LLL held so much water. 'Lifelong learning' is the...

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Communication is hearing what isn’t heard

Communication is hearing what isn’t heard

Peter Drucker once said that, “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

Furthermore, one of the pre-suppositions of NLP states that ‘you cannot, not communicate – everything you say and most of what you do will communicate something, so the idea of radio silence, can have the effect of turning the sound right up.

People often, mistakingly, imagine, that by doing nothing, they can avoid personal responsibility in communication, but, I am sorry to say, this just isn’t true, non-action is not an option, as it will be interpreted in some way by the listener(s).

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management (KM) is the process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge. It refers to a multi-disciplined approach to achieving organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledge. (Source Wikipedia).

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What is assertive communication?

What is assertive communication?

What is assertive communication? What is assertive communication you may be asking yourself, but wht is assertive communication? Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. In the field of psychology and psychotherapy, it...

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To learn is to be free

To learn is to be free

To learn is to be free An inspiring talk about learning by Shahmeem Akhtar To learn is to be free - Shameem Akhtar posed as a boy during her early childhood in Pakistan so she could enjoy the privileges Pakistani girls are rarely afforded: to play outside and attend...

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False news and Logical Fallacies

False news and Logical Fallacies

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians and the media to fool people. A fallacy is an incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric which undermines an...

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English Podcasts

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