One of the nicest ways to pass the dark winter nights is to draw the curtains, curl up on the sofa and watch your favorite TV series. With the popularity of Netflix, HBO and other on-line streaming sites the choice of series is huge.
Do you like to watch an episode a week or are you a binge watcher? Do you have to get your "fix" or do you prefer to space your viewing out over a few weeks?
Whatever your preference, TV series culture is now an essential part of our "general knowledge" necessary for everyday conversations. So don't be left behind, this quiz will help you to swot up on important plots and themes so that you can dazzle your colleagues during those workplace coffee breaks.

TV series are a great way to learn English. You hear everyday vocabulary, a wide variety of accents and enjoy great stories at the same time.
At first it might seem just far too difficult to understand what's going on, but try these tips to help you improve your listening skills.
(i) Don't expect to understand every word. Many of the actors do not speak clearly because it's part of the character they're playing. Either they mumble their words or they speak with a strong regional accent....so don't worry if you only catch half of what they are saying.
(ii) At first watch just 15 minutes, pause the programme and make a note of what you have understood from the images and then return to the story. Keep watching out for clues which will help you to understand.
(iii) Watch the episode as many times as you like until you have a better understanding. Be like a young child watching their favorite programme again and again.
(iv) "Prepare" the vocabulary that you think will be in the story. Before you watch think which words you may hear.
(v) If you are really stuck, activate the subtitles in English for a short time.
(vi) RELAX AND ENJOY. It takes time to achieve a good level of comprehension in a new language, so .... take your time !!!